Isai full movie in tamil download

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Shiva introduces new techniques and pioneers the use of synthesizers, his music gets the attention of all music lovers. Shiva would surpass him in the musical world. When he seeks permission from Vetriselvan to go ahead with his first venture as a music director, Vetriselvan doesn’t oppose the idea as he wouldn’t have imagined even in his wildest dream that one day A. Surya) who works as an assistant under Vetriselvan gets an opportunity to compose music for a small time film. He is loved and respected for his works and is termed as the greatest musician of our times. Vetriselvan (Sathyaraj) is an established and an old fashioned music director in the industry. The film opened with positive reviews from critics and was a commercial success at the box office. The audio launch was on 16 November 2014. Isai, which is touted to be of a new genre musical-thriller, went on the floors from.

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Isai stars himself in the lead role with debutant Sulagna, while Surya also composes the film’s music score.

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Isai (Eng: Music) is a 2015 Tamil musical psychological thriller movie co-produced, written, directed and composed by S.

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